How to

Convert 2 liter Diesel Caddy from Dual Mass to Solid Flywheel

To convert 2 Liter Diesel Caddy from Dual Mass flywheel to solid use a flywheel used for ABF code VW engines and a Sachs kit for VR6 Golf.

I tried it but then removed it after about 1,000km. With the solid flywheel you hear a rattle in the gearbox on idle. This is because there is no more dual mass to absorb the engine vibration. I did not like the rattle sound, so I removed it and went back to dual mass.

The solid flywheel setup is far cheaper than a dual mass flywheel. But if you can afford the dual mass I will keep it standard.

2 liter vw Caddy Flywheel Conversion
2 liter diesel VW Caddy